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Barium Meal

A barium meal can be performed by a radiologist (or radiographer) who has specialist skills in imaging studies and works as a healthcare professional to diagnose and treat illness.

Before a barium meal test is performed, the duodenum needs to be empty to allow clear visualization of structures. A patient may be given a laxative the night before the procedure to ensure the small bowel is empty at the time of the test, which is usually performed on an empty stomach.

The patient is first asked to change into a hospital gown and remove all jewellery, dentures, glasses, metal objects and clothing as these items can interfere with imaging.

First, some fizzy granules, called carbex granules are given to the patient to create gas and expand the stomach for clearer viewing. Next, the barium contrast liquid is given to the patient to drink.

Some initial images are taken to check that the barium has passed through the esophagus, and into the stomach and small bowel. The radiographer then takes a series of X-ray images over time as the barium contrast moves through the digestive system. This may mean images are taken over anywhere between 1 and 4 hours. Once the barium contrast has passed through to the large bowel or the colon, more pictures are taken. The whole test may take around 5 hours.

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